The products you need, always at the most appropriate price

We buy from local producers around the world and bring them to your business. So you only think about what matters, offer quality to your customers.

Get in touch

Say goodbye to crazy prices and lack of product

 import food and products south america europe asia  import food global logistics  import certified food stored and customs

Get access to a global offer from local producers

We have a wide variety of products and quantities.


Last mile logistics

We take care of the entire process from origin to destination: import, certificates, customs and storage.


We deliver where you indicate

We send from our warehouse the amounts you need every week, every month or any time.

import of food with flexible delivery

Storage, with flexible delivery

import food america europe

Simple and easy

food importer financing options

Financing options

Hundreds of fresh foods at your fingertips

We fill your warehouse with the type and quantity you need.

import export fruits


import export vegetables


import export fish


import export seafood


import export grains and legumes

Grains & legumes

import export meat


Call us to find out what you need and how we can help you

Get in touch

Other services

Beyond importing food

At Brave Coast Trading we are specialists in global trading. We put our experience at your disposal to make your international trade easier.

Commercial agents

Commercial agents

Contact with clients and/or suppliers.

External trade

External trade

Import / export operations, own and third parties.

Collection and payment management

Collection and payment management

In different currencies. Get in touch.

Advice for the formation of companies

Advice for the formation of companies

We contact accounting managers.

Tell us about your case and we will give you a custom solution.

Get in touch
brave coast trading brave coast trading

Price Quotation Units: Per barrel for Oil, per ounce for Gold, per 10 metric tons for Crude Palm Oil, per MMBtu for Natural Gas, per metric ton, or per lb for other products.